The “piloting” phase of the IMPACT EdTech project kicked-off this April 2022. 

Exciting activities are foreseen over the course of the next 3 months

Five start-ups will test their solution with three teachers from three different EU or H2020 countries. Each teacher will be testing in their classroom the start-up’s solution. They will observe, assess and report on their students’ behavioural and skills development:

Their teaching and learning tool transforms traditional, mundane studying into a fascinating journey.

This name embraces two advanced edtech solutions supported with AI: a smart classroom and a lecture-synthesis system (LSS).

They use innovative computer technology to allow touching and interacting with 3D digital content.

Their app combines a teacher tool for managing and implementing online learning with digital learning materials that pupils enjoy.

Silenole is a methodology and a tool for parents and teachers advice focused on improving well-being in the classroom and preventing bullying.

Two start-ups will engage in an intensive co-creation process with a pool of 3 digital education experts. They will thoroughly assess the current prototype and help the start-up improve their solution:

Their solution helps dyslexic students to overcome their difficulties and improve their reading and speaking skills.

Taut is a classroom collaboration app for remote, hybrid, and in-person learning. It combines all of the essential tools teachers need to engage students.

One start-up will be paired with a professional who will work as Expert-in-Residence with the team to boost their growth.

Their AI-powered tool is suitable to any learner that wishes to improve their speaking skills, and learn new communication skills.

Stay tuned for the latest updates!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871275. Neither the European Commission (EC) nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EC.