In 2021, IMPACT EdTech continues to support promising start-ups whose solutions aim to boost innovation in education. Last month and as part of our First Open Call, a total of 4 start-ups were selected to participate in the IMPACT EdTech OC1 Pilots. Their solutions serve to make education more inclusive and to support personalised learning or skills development of children and teachers.
European Schoolnet is opening a call for teachers, educators and education experts based in the EU and H2020 associated countries to test or provide feedback on solutions developed start-ups from the IMPACT EdTech project. We are looking for 12 teachers and education specialists in total (3 per solution) who are ready to test out these prototypes and provide feedback on their pedagogical use: 2 solutions will be tested in the classrooms (piloting type A1) and 2 will be entering a focus group co-creation process (piloting type A2).
Deadline extended: Applications are open until the 7 April and the pilot will start mid-April 2021 and end at the beginning of July 2021.
Are you interested to apply, but still have some questions about the calls such as: What are the application’s requirements? or Which solution would best fit my profile?
Below you can find a summary of the 4 start-ups participating in this Open Call:
- Annie Advisor (Type A1): Solution to be tested: a chatbot that starts conversations with students and evaluates their need of support with intelligent conversation flows. With their chatbot, the teams aim to reduce dropout and increase student engagement. They are looking for members of student support staff (social workers psychologists, special needs educators, teachers) from Spain, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands. Read more on this pilot and apply.
- Mathia (Type A1): Solution to be tested: an app that allows to give individual and groups mathematics lessons in the classroom and at home. It is a smart combination of a voice assistant and a 3D visualization tool that will make kids enjoy learning mathematics. They are looking for primary school pilot teachers from schools teaching in French. Read more on this pilot and apply.
- Grow Planet (Type A2): Solution to be tested: a game-based blended learning environment for STEAM and sustainable development for Primary School pupils. They are looking for teachers with experience in primary education, and knowledge of STEM and Sustainable Development subjects or Digital and Game-based learning experts from UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, or Romania. Read more on this pilot and apply.
- DARTEF (Type A2): Solution to be tested: hand-sized experimentation lab for math and physics and original environment for situated learning of math and physics. They are looking for lower-secondary schools Mathematics and Physics teachers from Finland, Spain, UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, France, or Portugal. Read more on this pilot and apply.
If you are curious in testing out new tools and practices that and would like to support a promising EdTech company, read more about each pilot and apply to the best call for you!
We look forward to hearing from you! Join the EdTech revolution!
Questions about this call?
Please contact Romane Léauté at
and Adina Nistor at